Friday, February 07, 2014

Since the beginning of the week, I have been worrying and complaining all the time. Because I have failed my exams, because I was tired, because I didn't have an accommodation in Dublin yet ... It's been really hard to bear all this anger and frustration. And yesterday morning, my world fell apart. I am filled with emotion as one of my friends' dad has cancer. So today, I wanted to write about someone special. Someone who's been there a lot for me: my good friend Adeline. She probably doesn't even know that I am writing this blog and she might never read this post. But whatever. She is such a good person that I want to tell you about her and how much she means to me.

When I first met her, she had this sort of halo surrounding her that made me feel safe and peaceful. The first second I saw her, I wanted to become her friend. I have always admired her, because first of all, let's be honest, she is a beautiful girl. She is not the skinny bimbo type, but yet she's gorgeous. And do you know why ? Because she loves herself the way she is, and because she has a good heart. I really appreciate her for being honest and true. Unlike other college girls, she is not gossiping or complaining all the time (and I admit, I am sometimes). She is optimistic and always encouraging her friends. Two years ago, I've been through a tough period when Guillaume was away in England. Adeline was the only person I could talk about my problems, because she is not the kind of person who will speak behind your back. I realized she was a good listener, a good confidant, but that she had been through a lot as well, which had made her stronger. Adeline is the kind of person who would change your life, make you grow up and see life completely differently...

This makes me feel terrible. Why does she have to go through this ? And how can I help her ? I suddenly feel stupid and childish. In these hard times, you realize that life is so fragile and so tough. I am just feeling tiny and useless ... I know you don't know her, but if you have read this, please think and pray for her and her family in this difficult moment of their life. Thank you,

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